Date: 14th December 2010 at 6:51pm
Written by:

Hadn’t seen this before but it is definitely a quality advert. Stunning visuals and ‘silks’ by all involved. Didn’t know we had any ties with Smirnoff either.


6 responses to “Video: Rio, Park & Giggs enjoy a drink after yesterday’s game”

  1. Fantastic visuals and imaginative advert…

  2. Rufus the Thief says:

    he was def offside!

  3. stuart says:

    Would of been better suited to mineral water.Who wants to dive into smirnoff apart from Gazza.

  4. Nigel in preston says:

    what a pass from park!

  5. biz says:

    his good form

  6. Devil310 says:


    You can’t be offside if you come from underneath the ground