Manchester United have today made an official stand against the ‘BringRonaldoHome’ campaign.
The campaign exploded onto Twitter last month and sees fans pledge £10 in the hope of bringing the Portuguese star back to Old Trafford, despite his buyout clause standing at an amazing €1bn.
But the whole operation is rather murky, and when faced with questions as to how the whole thing works the people behind it, including a man who claims to simply be interested in collecting data rather than improving the team, have simply dodged enquiries.
But speaking to the MEN, a spokesperson for the club has advised fans not to waste their money on the scheme as any decision on the signing of players is down to the manager and the manager alone:
“Manchester United would like to remind fans that decisions over additions to the squad will be made by the manager and the manager alone. We would not want any of our supporters to be under a false impression that anything other than this would ever be the case.”
The campaign is said to have attracted over 5000 pledges so far, but what these people may not know is that if their attempts to resign Ronaldo fail, now extremely likely due to the size of his buyout clause and the lack of cooperation from the club, they will not receive the full £10 that they pledged back.
I love mancheter united.I viet nam